Saturday, July 17, 2010

What do ninjas eat?

Ok so those of you who have never been on my blog. Including me right now. Are finding out that I will start each blog with a weird question. This question is up to you in the comments section have fun :)


  1. uuuh, thats a silly question my dear Elphaba, everyone knows that Ninjas eat fried chicken with mashpotatoes every day... they often get tired of this... but because they're ninjas they have to have this kind of discapline (yes I spelled it wrong, its late my friend.)

    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann

  2. Ninjas eat everything available! How are you supposed to stay a butt-kicking, high-caliber ninja if you refuse to eat anchovies and they're the only thing around?

  3. Ninjas eat...uwm...well the first thing that comes to my head is...well, corn. Random I know!

  4. Don't you think they eat sushi? Of course! Haven't you ever heard of a sushi ninja.
    Oh, and BTW, they hate fruit.
